TOEFL iBt в Уфе — отзывы о репетиторах

Отзыв о репетиторе Анна Сергеевна Туманова

Пять с плюсом

Как и объявлено, первые два урока бесплатны. Высокий уровень английского, пунктуальность, энтузиазм в плане предоставления дополнительных материалов и домашнего задания. Рекомендую!
Стоимость работ
Отзыв о репетиторе Ирина Сергеевна Косенко

Пять с плюсом

Ирина Сергеевна отличный преподаватель! Предоставляет все материалы для подготовки, объясняет тонкости экзамена, сама переодически его пересдает, поэтому через собственный опыт может рассказать о процедуре. Дает много дополнительных материалов и интересных техник на улучшение языка. Сдала TOEFL с ней на 105 баллов.
Ирина Сергеевна Косенко
Ирина Сергеевна Косенко
Ответ специалиста
Дарья, благодарю за отзыв! Поздравляю с заслуженным баллом! Попутного Вам ветра на дальнейшем пути!
Отзыв о репетиторе Ирина Сергеевна Косенко
Ирина помогла подготовиться к экзамену TOEFL в короткий срок в два месяца и мною был достигнут желаемый результат для поступления в американский вуз. Для меня была составлена программа, я получал все необходимые материалы и полезные советы для сдачи экзамена.
Ирина Сергеевна Косенко
Ирина Сергеевна Косенко
Ответ специалиста
Поздравляю с успешной сдачей экзамена!
Отзыв о репетиторе Александра Никулина

Пять с плюсом

Aly is the best English teacher I've ever had. She is a career coach and gives great advice as well.
Work with her if you really want to improve your English skills. Personally studying with her was the best decision!
My level of English has increased from intermediate to fluent just after 4 months of taking regular classes with Aly. She helped me to overcome my language barrier as well.
I was able to find a job in the US and double my income.
Aly helped me not only just to grow my vocabulary and grammar knowledge, but also my cultural way of thinking. She helped me to write my resume and prepare me for the interview. She is very familiar with American corporate culture.
Despite the fact that my goal is achieved, I keep taking classes with her because she is an Interesting person and I keep improving my English skills.
I recommend you not to waste time and money with others and start taking classes with Aly today.

Пять с плюсом

Amazing tutor!
Every lesson was prepared for me carefully and individually, in addition, classes were extremely helpful and inspiring!
I really enjoyed remembering the basics of the exam in a supportive and comfortable atmosphere of the lesson!
Now, I'm waiting for my exam and continue the practise!
Very appreciate the work done by the tutor, will recommend!
Отзыв о репетиторе Derek James Acland

Пять с плюсом

Подготовка к экзаменамМеждународные экзамены по английскомуTOEFL
Дерек за месяц очень помог мне подтянуть мой разговорный и письменный английский для сдачи экзамена TOEFL. Экзамен сдан успешно! Спасибо Дереку за внимание и терпение!
Отзыв о репетиторе Родион Андреевич Турундаев

Пять с плюсом

Okay, first of all, I really want to thank Rodion for all the time we spent preparing for TOEFL and then USE. Honestly, that was the best time I ever had ._.

That guy can readily adapt to anyone and conduct lessons in a way you want them to be. That's just amazing. If you do like travelling or just think about visiting some places in the future, you'll probably spend lots of time talking about interesting places all over the world that you've probably never even heard of, and that man can tell you a lot about them. Besides, Rodion can talk about almost any topic with interest, and it only depends on you what theme you really want to have a conversation about.
One of the best traits of that guy is creativity. Rodion does all his best to make lessons as interesting as possible. I really appreciate it.

All in all, even tho I didn't really need to USE or TOEFL, these lessons drastically changed my everyday life and my attitude to learning something or just spending time on the Internet. Now, I can easily read technical documentation, articles or even books (yeah I really did it) completely in English, watch movies and understand most of the context. What I can say for sure is that it will really help me in my future work and it matters a lot to me. Thank you for everything :D